"If you were summoned to court for jury service, how do you think the judge would react if you stated your refusal to listen to the prosecution's evidence - because someone outside had already assured you that the accused was innocent?"
The Fall Guy
JoinedPosts by The Fall Guy
A question to ask active JW's
by The Fall Guy in"if you were summoned to court for jury service, how do you think the judge would react if you stated your refusal to listen to the prosecution's evidence - because someone outside had already assured you that the accused was innocent?
" .
Perfect response
by Cerise ini was hoping to get some advice on what to say to a parent who wouldn’t support you to get married to a “worldy person”.
always bringing up “marry only in the lord” even when that hasnt worked out for the parent, twice divorced lol.
is there a way to discredit that scripture or argue back respectfully without giving away that you are pimo?.
The Fall Guy
@ John Prestor. That was always my understanding.
Paul was instructing those who based their faith in Christ Jesus, i.e. Christians, to marry someone who shared that faith in Christ.
Even first century Christians had differing opinions on certain aspects of their new faith, but the one teaching which was expected of every Christian, was that Jesus was their Messiah. (2 John 9-11)
My conversation with the "Fixer" attorney for Pentecostal TV evangelists
by TerryWalstrom ini had occasion to chat with a man who was the attorney for a large cabal (all related by blood) of pentecostal tv evangelists.
how it came about was as follows.i was finishing my first book about my stint in prison as a jw (i wept by the rivers of babylon)and a man in a suit walked over and asked me what i was working on.he said he'd seen me every day and got curious.i told him.he jumped at the chance to unburden at that point.in the course of our conversation, he opened my eyes to a great many things, not the least of which was the poisonous inevitability of larceny which comes with being a spokesman for god's 'truth.
'he described the process.
The Fall Guy
Whatever the primary & real reason for the org's thirst for cash is, maybe we'll live long enough for a high ranking HQ individual to waken up and reveal the dark truth.
My money's still on the org being heavily in debt/virtually bankrupted by Wall Street. I can dream! :)
Newly Free, Need Advice
by HappyBlessedFree ini stopped attending meetings about three months ago.
after researching everything i could find on jehovahs witnesses (which is a lot) i can happily say i am awake and free.
i was a baptized witness for over 25 year.
The Fall Guy
Welcome HBF. I hope you enjoy your visits to the forum and you benefit yourself AND your family.
You have a PM.
Angus Stewart QC appointed as Federal Court Judge in Australia
by Listener inangus stewart who did such a tremendous job in exposing many of the wrongs regarding how the watchtower deals with child abuse accusations during the australian royal commission into the handling of child abuse has been given a well deserved appointment.a media release on 22 feb. 2019 states in part -.
mr darren jackson sc, mr michael o'bryan qc, mr angus stewart sc and mr john snaden have been appointed as judges of the federal court of australia...mr stewart will commence in the sydney registry on 25 february 2019. he completed a bachelor of arts in 1986 and a bachelor of laws in 1991 at the university of natal in south africa, and completed a bachelor of civil law (hons) at the university of oxford in 1994. mr stewart practised at the bar in south africa for 15 years, with five years as silk.
he was called to the new south wales bar in 2011 and was appointed silk in 2014. mr stewart has specialised in admiralty and maritime law, international trade and international commercial arbitration, in addition to practice across a number of other areas of law.. https://www.attorneygeneral.gov.au/media/pages/appointments-to-the-federal-court-of-australia.aspx
The Fall Guy
Well deserved! I wish him a long and successful career.
It was wonderful watching him as he used his higher education and superior intellect to expose the WTBTS and its yes-men for what they really are - religious con-men and liars!
Cardinal George Pell convicted of sex abuse
by wozza inhe is the highest rank catholic to cop this in australia .
his case was suppressed for some time but now is public ,.
the news is just breaking on tv he has right of appeal still denying guilt.
The Fall Guy
Punishments which are handed out for offences can often seem to be either disproportionate or not severe enough.
How many named paedophile priests have actually escaped being jailed for their terrible acts?
Compare what they've done with what an Orangeman did to a Catholic priest.
Jehovah’s Witnesses Hunted Down And Deported
by Bangalore injehovah’s witnesses hunted down and deported.. https://bitterwinter.org/jehovahs-witnesses-hunted-down-and-deported/.
The Fall Guy
In other words, Christianity in general is a no-no in China. It's not just JW's who are being "persecuted."
Cardinal George Pell convicted of sex abuse
by wozza inhe is the highest rank catholic to cop this in australia .
his case was suppressed for some time but now is public ,.
the news is just breaking on tv he has right of appeal still denying guilt.
The Fall Guy
................and he's still a Cardinal?????
OK, We Need To Talk About The Crazy New Great Tribulation Video...
by pale.emperor inif you haven't seen it already, skip to 1:14:30 in lloyds video and watch the craziness unfold.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2y7f7-k5wo.
i'd love to hear everyone's thoughts on this.. they're digging themselves a great hole here, in about 30 years time they'll be claiming this video was a mere "speculation" and that "some people" got the wrong ideas..
The Fall Guy
Aww shucks, c'mon everybody, give Geoffrey Jackass & his fellow "lovers of truth" a break!
The Vatican has used hell-fire & purgatory for centuries to terrify and control its minions - especially the children - so surely the H8teful8 in Warwick are entitled to concoct their own business model!
What is Racially Derogatory Language
by barry inhere is australia the race commissioner has claimed senator o'sullivan is in violation of racially derogatory language.
senator sullivan has said the biggest threat to biosecurity is ' some bloody old chinaman that brings in his favourite sausage down the front of his undies' chin tan said using the word chinaman is offensive.
makes you wonder is englishman or australian man or scotsman is also just as offensive.
The Fall Guy
I really fear for the livelihoods of stand-up comedians nowadays. Maybe not so much in the U.S. but definitely in the U.K. Making jokes or ridiculing certain groups/types/nations/minorities is not only viewed as being "politically incorrect", it's fast becoming a criminal offence!
More sinisterly, someone voicing an opposite viewpoint to a certain demographic's thinking or behaviour will almost certainly result in bringing down social media fire & brimstone on the commenter - or something much worse!
Freedom of speech?
p.s. I'm a Jock - but don't you dare call me that!!!! It would offend me. :)